Thursday, July 24, 2008


Technology! What a vast and fast-moving part of our lives. A small step for man and a giant leap for mankind. The computer that put the men on the moon was smaller than our first 286....
And telephones. Communicating...
I can remember having one of those party-line telephones, with a handle on the side that you had to turn for short rings and long rings, and one long one to get the exchange. Mind you, you could then give the person on the exchange the list of numbers you wanted for that day, and they acted a little like a secretary, and 'phoned you back when they'd reached them... I haven't found such a good service on my cell-phone yet...
Cell-phones. Well, back in the bad days in Zim they were a god-send when the kids and I eventually found petrol queues on our way home, and could 'phone our husband and father and let him know where we were, so that he didn't think we had been taken out by the 'war verterans' who gathered every evening on the side of the road. Mind you, I still feel like answering them with, "How did you know I was here?", now that we live in a more peaceful place. They can be a little intrusive, perhaps? And now they have developed even further and I haven't even caught up yet!

Other thoughts on technology :-
  • One hopes to see great developments that bear the future of our planet in mind - some form of "fuel-burning" technology, that will provide us with all our 'needs', which doesn't strip our planet of any more natural resources.
  • Technology put to good use. Beneficial.
  • Technology that we control, not which controls us. I do wonder, sometimes, just who or what is in charge... don't you?
Somehow, I think that along the way we have lost the patience, good manners and charm required when we had the party-line telephone, and the operator on the other end. I don't think 'technology' has any answers for that.

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