Sunday, July 27, 2008 or not

Dare I say it... is not really my thing. I had a good look at the PLCMCL's bookmarks, and tried to find my way through the rather confusing searches.
But, I have a hard enough time trying to think of good enough 'reviews' or tags for books I have read, for example, without trying to interpret other people's.
I worry that I cannot think of enough 'tags' to catch all the possibilities that might be out there. I am so glad cataloguers exist.

BUT I can see that there will be people who will enjoy this kind of random exercise. I can see the potential for finding sites that others have tagged, but I will just use other people's and I don't need to create my own. Another case of the time factor again?

Potential for Readers Advisory.
Potential for tidying up the huge (and clumsy) list of 'favourites' on our generic computers.

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