Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 1 : Blogger

How could you use this in your role? As a librarian I could use this in both professional development - "my own comments on what's happening in the world of librarianship" - and in my Customer Services role I could use this to keep in contact with some of my 'customers' - like the reading groups...
What worked for you? Making it pretty and selecting what I wanted in there...
What didn't? Having to do it (this was in the first year we did it..) - and I also would prefer it to be more personal than as mentioned above... guess one should have TWO blogs then???
How could a library use a blog? What would customers get out of a library blog? Would you promote this to customers? To all three questions - the first comments apply...
What amazed and surprised me? The amount of blogs out there... a bit like reader's advisory work - it doesn't REDUCE the choices!!!

1 comment:

tosca said...

Howdy! I'd like to make a note of your comments about how blogs can be used, if that's ok. I like that you think a blog should be a little more personal. The number of blogs out there is phenomenal and, when you narrow it down to readers' just advisory blogs, it's still a whole heap to keep track of. Excellent first post, btw :)