Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 3: Twitter

Finally I tweet! (And already someone called Marissa [url supplied but I deleted it]with a tweet that says...."more sexy pics of me... etc..." is following me! She has been blocked, I hope! How to learn about such stuff in a rush!)

Is it easy to use? Hmmm - probably too much so...
Would customers find it simple? They might - but this would be the generation that uses their mobile to email folk and to post things on e.g. Facebook... not everyone...
Could we use this in the learn.nets and in our workrooms? Perhaps not to the same extent as blogs in my opinion... it doesn't seem as 'profound', if I can use that word. However, at the 2009 conference folk were using it, and that's great for those far away - but it was distracting to those sitting next to them!
Do you think that you're likely to use this site again? Hmmm... I have avoided it in the past, and I may just continue to do so... personally I am "online" enough without adding this.
What could Manukau Libraries promote via Twitter? Next generation stuff... YA...
What would you use Twitter for? See above. nothing
Would you promote this service to customers? If they required it... "Customer Service" - walking in the customer's shoes....


tosca said...

Congratulations on completing the 3rd activity! Unfortunately, not so celebratory that you've already discovered the downside to Twitter - fake followers/bots. A very good point that the mobile generation would be more likely to like a tool such a Twitter. Great post :)

Pollyanna said...

You're a star, Catatonia, to keep sucha good check on our posts - congratulations to you too, for providing such good resources to check out and for making it worthwhile. (In more ways than one!) :)